Thursday, 22 November 2012

Carcharodon Space Marine, The making of...

So the pack of torso parts I ordered finally arrived so now its time to create a custom built space marine.
As I'm creating a carcharodon army there army is said to be mk V and all variations below that so I bought custom parts to be able to use on my models.  This is the first time I have used some of them and decided to make the space marine Sargent for a tactical squad.  

I selected which parts I wanted to use for this model from my bitz box mix and matching parts from heresey/ pre heresey parts.  

I removed all molding defects from the parts in preparation for gluing together.  

I started off by attatching the chain bayonet to the phobos pattern bolter as this is some of the more delicate work I found it harder to get a small enough amount of glue so I placed it in a crocodile clip and put it aside to dry.  

I glued together and attached the legs head and torso.  

As I am making a sargent for the squad I needed to remove the hand from the left arm to replace it with the chainsword.  

I glued this together at first but it was a little flimsy so later on I used a product called greenstuff to make a firmer connection with the hand.  
(I have linked the greenstuff to the Games workshop website but it is allot cheaper on ebay).  

I then attatched the modified arm along with the shoulder pad to the character.

As this was setting I attached the right arm to the bolter and left it to dry for a minute   


This is the final product ready to be primed and painted :)


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