Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Plans for today in the 40k Universe

OK so there's people in be so I wont be able to do any airbrushing for a few hours but I still have plenty to do on yesterdays 2 x Terminators so I think i'll get started on them pretty soon adding facial and armor details and see how it turns out :)

I recently ordered a Dark Angel Death-wing Terminator squad for my army in hopes that I can cleanly convert them into a variant of my terminators by removing any chapter specific markings and make a nice variation among my army.

I have also purchased some model stone/ sand for basing (£2) that I will be using for generic model bases like space marine squads.
I am also attempting to make a chapter specific tactical and or assault squad so have purchased a mkV armor set aswel as some other older mk armor as the fluff states that the carcharodon seem to have upto mkV armor,  I think this will create a really nice variant in my squads but the colour scheme will still tie them into the same army.

Just for a change and because it only cost me £2.40 I also purchased a Chaos Space Marine Lord and I plan on paint him the colours of the Iron Warriors as there colour scheme is most appealing to me and who knows, maybe i'll end up with a full chaos army too :)

But that's all work to come for now here's a small video my friend and fellow warhammer 40k enthusiast Gunbuck made a while ago of him playing Space Marine for PC

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